1089TV Blog : The Pa Ruwty Paradigm : RéKnowology SERIES by Dr. Ré

"The Western World and the Melenated Spiritual Awakening"


Dr. Ré's latest offering examines the spiritual awakening of Melenated beings in the Western world. Understand how the reinterpretation of divine words from their Germanic origins influences modern spirituality and ancestral activation.


  • Spiritual awakening in the Western world.

  • Reinterpretation of divine words from Germanic origins.

  • Insights into modern spirituality and ancestral activation.

  • Written by Dr. Ré, a thought leader in the field.

RéKnowology: The Intersection of Spirituality and Ancestral Activation"


Discover the intersection of spirituality and ancestral activation in Dr. Ré's newest book. Learn how the reinterpretation of divine words shapes the spiritual paradigm of Melenated beings and influences their journey in the Western world.

  •             Exploration of spirituality and ancestral activation.
  •             Impact of divine word reinterpretation on spiritual paradigms.
  •             Focus on the spiritual journey of Melenated beings.
  •             Authored by Dr. Ré, a renowned expert in RéKnowology.


"Egypt to Tama-Ré: Spirituality and the Melenated Journey"


Trace the spiritual journey of Melenated beings from ancient Egypt to Tama-Ré. Dr. Ré provides an in-depth analysis of the shift in spiritual paradigms and the reinterpretation of divine words that influence modern spirituality.

Astral Visitation To Parallel REalities

Modern science has begun to investigate the phenomenon of astral travel, though it remains a subject of debate and curiosity. Neuroscientists and psychologists often approach astral travel from the perspective of consciousness studies. They explore how altered states of consciousness during deep meditation or sleep can produce vivid out-of-body experiences (OBEs). Some studies suggest that OBEs may be linked to certain brain activities, particularly in the parietal lobe, which is responsible for spatial awareness. While skeptics argue that astral travel is a form of lucid dreaming or a psychological construct, others believe it reveals deeper insights into the nature of consciousness and reality. Quantum physicists have also speculated about non-local consciousness and the interconnectedness of all things, which aligns with some principles of astral travel. Although definitive scientific evidence is lacking, the exploration of astral travel continues to intrigue researchers and expand our understanding of the mind.


Techniques for Astral Projection

Meditation Methods

Meditation is a powerful tool for achieving astral projection. To begin, find a quiet and comfortable space where you won't be disturbed. Begin with deep, slow breathing to relax your body and clear your mind. Focus on each breath, allowing yourself to enter a meditative state. Visualization techniques can be particularly effective in this process. Imagine your "light body" gently separating from your physical form. As you deepen your meditation, maintain a single point of focus, such as a mantra or an image of your desired destination in the spiritual universe. Techniques like the "body scan" method, where you mentally scan from head to toe, can also help in achieving the deep relaxation necessary for astral travel. Consistent practice is key, as it may take several sessions to successfully project your consciousness. Meditation not only facilitates astral projection but also enhances overall spiritual awareness.



Yes. You're Not Just Living One Life You're Actually Living Billion Of Lives Moment For Moment In A Momentous Event Called Life Across Creation Throughout Realities Within Existence The Eternal Expansion The Varies In The Material Universe.


These Various Realities Can Be Access Via Astral Travel and Astral Projection. This Is How Some Of You Remember Things That You Have Never Experienced Before. Or Have An Affinity For Things That Don't Have A Relevance To You. Deja vu and Meeting People That Think They Know You From Somewhere Or They Seen You Somewhere Before That You've Never Been. That's Mainly Because You've Already Cross paths In A Parallel Reality. And All Of These Various Variants Are Tethered To The Same Oversoul.....


Once You Exit The Body You Are Away From It For Weeks To Months At A Time While Traversing The Spiritual Universe. The Spiritual Universe Vibrates At A Much Accelerated Rate Then You Experience Here In This Density. So An Hour Here In The Physical Universe Equates To About A Week Of Time Or 6 1/2 Days. The Physical Facets Of Your Reality Do Not Accompany You On Search Journeys Outside The Caporal Form And Cannot Account For What The 1/3rd Of You That Is The Divine Article Experiences And Engages.


In Many Instances If You Are Encountering And Or Witnessing Your Physical Form While Dreaming There Is High Probability That You Are Perceiving A Parallel Version Of You That Exist In A Parallel Physical Universe. The Spiritual Universe Is Expansive And It's Diameter Can Encapsulated The Physical Multiverse Comfortably. A Feat Or Function Impossible To Fathom From The Awakened Conscious. For More Insight On This Subject. Join Our 1089 TEK VISION Community and Or Attend One Of Our Upcoming Events.

Third Eye Activation


Activating the third eye is a crucial step in mastering astral projection. The third eye, located between the eyebrows, is believed to be the center of intuition and spiritual insight. To activate the third eye, start by sitting in a comfortable meditation posture. Close your eyes and take deep, calming breaths. Focus your attention on the area of your third eye. You may feel a slight pressure or tingling sensation as you concentrate. Visualization exercises can further enhance this process. Imagine a bright indigo light emanating from your third eye, gradually expanding and illuminating your entire being. Mantras, such as the "Om" sound, can also be chanted to stimulate the third eye. Regular practice of these techniques can enhance your third eye perception, making it easier to achieve and control astral travel. As your third eye becomes more active, your ability to navigate the spiritual universe will improve.


Visualization Practices

Visualization practices are essential for successful astral projection. These practices involve mentally constructing vivid images to guide the "light body" during the separation process from the physical body. Begin by lying down in a comfortable position and closing your eyes. Take deep, slow breaths to relax. Imagine yourself in a peaceful setting, such as a serene beach or a quiet forest. Focus on the details: the sound of the waves, the feeling of the sand, or the rustling of leaves. Once you feel deeply relaxed, visualize your "light body" gently lifting out of your physical form. Picture every detail of this process, from the initial separation to floating freely in the spiritual universe. Consistent practice of these visualization techniques can significantly enhance your ability to achieve and control astral travel. By honing your visualization skills, you can navigate various realms with greater ease and clarity.

Modern Uses of Idle Time

In today's fast-paced world, the concept of idle time often carries a negative connotation. However, many successful individuals have recognized its value and incorporated it into their routines. For example, Bill Gates is known to take "think weeks," where he isolates himself to read and reflect, generating new ideas for innovation. Similarly, Steve Jobs was famous for his long walks, which he used as a time to mull over business strategies and creative concepts. These modern uses of idle time highlight how prioritizing moments of inactivity can lead to significant breakthroughs and enhanced mental knowledge. By setting aside units of time for reflection and disengagement from daily tasks, we can cultivate a fertile ground for creativity and problem-solving. Embracing idle time can help us gain insight, broaden our awareness, and ultimately unlock our full potential, much like history's greats have done.

Creative Thinking and Exploration

Idle time serves as a powerful incubator for creative thinking and exploration. When our minds are not preoccupied with specific tasks, they are free to wander and make new connections. This mental downtime allows us to think outside the box and explore innovative solutions. For instance, many artists, writers, and inventors have attributed their most groundbreaking ideas to moments of idle contemplation. By stepping away from structured activities, we give our brains the freedom to roam, which can lead to unexpected insights and creative breakthroughs. Prioritizing these units of time for unstructured thought can enhance our mental knowledge and broaden our awareness of new possibilities. In a world that values constant productivity, embracing idle time for creative thinking and exploration can be the key to unlocking our full potential and driving forward personal and professional growth.

Beyond Watching: The Next Steps

To move beyond passive viewership, you must integrate the teachings of 1089TV into your everyday life. Start by setting aside dedicated time each day to practice the methods discussed in the videos. Activities like meditation, mindful breathing, and grounding exercises can significantly enhance your alignment and focus. It's essential to create a routine that incorporates these practices to build a resilient shield against 5G radiation. Pay attention to signs and synchronicities in your daily affairs; these can guide your awareness to higher levels. Participation in webinars, community events, and interactive sessions offered by 1089TV can also deepen your understanding and provide additional support. By taking these active steps, you transform knowledge into action, elevating your attention span and achieving true protection. This holistic approach ensures that you are not just informed but also empowered to safeguard your well-being in a technologically saturated world.


Enhancing Your Awareness

Enhancing your awareness is crucial for effective 5G radiation protection. Start by being mindful of your surroundings and how they impact your well-being. Practice mindfulness exercises to sharpen your focus and heighten your senses. This increased awareness allows you to detect subtle changes in your environment, helping you avoid areas with high levels of radiation. Journaling can also be a powerful tool. Documenting your daily experiences and observations can reveal patterns and synchronicities that guide your actions. Meditation is another key practice; it calms the mind, enhances focus, and improves your ability to remain centered amid technological disruptions. Furthermore, engaging with nature provides a counterbalance to artificial electromagnetic fields, grounding you and restoring your natural equilibrium. By cultivating a heightened state of awareness, you can make more informed decisions and take proactive steps to protect yourself from 5G radiation and other technological emissions.

Heaven Bank Notes are renowned for their ornate appearance, which sets them apart from ordinary paper currency. These notes often feature vibrant colors and intricate designs that are rich with symbolic meaning. The front side typically showcases mythical figures, deities, or gods, such as the Jade Emperor, who is believed to oversee the afterlife. These images are meticulously crafted to convey reverence and spiritual significance. The reverse side of the notes often depicts religious symbols or buildings associated with the afterlife, such as temples or celestial palaces. These elements are not merely decorative; they are imbued with cultural and spiritual symbolism that enhances the ritual's meaning. The luxurious design of Heaven Bank Notes reflects the importance of providing one's ancestors with the highest quality offerings. This attention to detail underscores the deep respect and love descendants have for their forebears, ensuring they are honored in the most dignified manner possible.


Front Design Elements

The front design elements of Heaven Bank Notes are rich in cultural and spiritual symbolism. At the center, one often finds depictions of revered figures such as the Jade Emperor, who is considered the ruler of heaven and the afterlife in Chinese mythology. Surrounding this central figure are intricate patterns and motifs that may include dragons, phoenixes, and other mythical creatures, each symbolizing various aspects of prosperity, protection, and spiritual power. Additionally, the notes frequently incorporate auspicious symbols like the lotus flower, which represents purity and enlightenment. The use of vibrant colors—such as gold, red, and green—further enhances the auspicious nature of these notes. Each element is carefully chosen to convey respect and reverence, ensuring that the offering is worthy of the ancestors' needs. This meticulous attention to detail in the front design underscores the profound cultural significance and deep-rooted beliefs associated with ancestral veneration.


Reverse Design Symbolism

The reverse side of Heaven Bank Notes is equally rich in symbolic elements that carry significant spiritual meaning. Often, this side features depictions of religious buildings, such as temples and celestial palaces, which represent the heavenly abode where ancestors reside. These architectural elements are meticulously detailed to reflect their divine nature, underscoring the sacredness of the offering. Additionally, the reverse side may include symbols associated with the afterlife, such as bridges or stairways leading to heavenly realms, signifying the journey of the soul. Other common motifs include animals like cranes or turtles, both of which symbolize longevity and immortality. These elements are not merely decorative but serve to enhance the ritual's spiritual efficacy. By including these symbols, the notes provide a visual representation of the ancestors' elevated status and their continued well-being in the afterlife, reinforcing the belief in a continuous, interconnected existence beyond death.