The Burning Ritual

The burning ritual of Heaven Bank Notes is a vital component of ancestral veneration, steeped in profound symbolism and cultural significance. During the ritual, family members gather around the ancestral altar, often accompanied by offerings of food and incense. The Heaven Bank Notes are then carefully burned, a process believed to transfer the symbolic currency to the ancestors in the afterlife. As the notes turn to ash, the smoke is thought to carry the monetary value directly to the spirit realm, ensuring that the ancestors receive the financial support they need. This act serves as a tangible expression of filial piety, demonstrating respect and care for one's forebears. The burning ritual is not merely a ceremonial act but a heartfelt gesture that reinforces the connection between the living and the deceased. It ensures that the ancestors are well-provided for, promoting their comfort and prosperity in the spiritual world, which, in turn, brings blessings and protection to the living family.


Resolving Ancestors' Needs

Heaven Bank Notes play a crucial role in addressing the financial needs of ancestors in the afterlife. According to traditional beliefs, the spirit realm mirrors the material world, where financial stability is essential for comfort and prosperity. By burning these notes, descendants symbolically provide their ancestors with the means to resolve any financial issues they may encounter in the afterlife. This act is seen as a way to ensure that ancestors live in peace and abundance, free from want or hardship. Additionally, it is believed that well-provided ancestors will, in turn, bless the living with protection, guidance, and good fortune. Thus, the ritual of offering Heaven Bank Notes is not just about honoring the dead but also about fostering a reciprocal relationship where the well-being of the ancestors directly impacts the prosperity of the living descendants. This practice underscores the deep interconnection between the two realms.

In Aztec Times, Quetzalcoatl Was Revered As The Patron of Priests, The Inventor of The Calendar and of Books, and The Protector of Goldsmiths and Other Craftsmen. He Was Also Identified With The Planet Venus. As The Morning and Evening Star, Quetzalcoatl Was The Symbol of Death and Resurrection. He Was Said To Have Descended To The Underground Hell of Mictlan to Gather The Bones of The Ancient Dead, Which He Anointed With His Own Blood, Giving Birth To The Men Who Inhabit The Present Universe. Ask Quetzalcoatl For Assistances On Your Ancestors Behalf. Ask For His Knowledge And Wisdom To Be Allocated To Those In Purgatory Or That Have Become Ensnared In The Cyclic Loops of Meager Comprehension.

This Currency Carries The Cache Of Access Required To Reach The Domain Of The Neteru. FER USIR Translates As The House Of Ausaru. Burning This Note On A Daily Basis Will Garner The Attention Of The Great NETERU. If Your Progenitor Was A Good Hearted And Willed  Person While On Earth They'll Gain Favor With The Balance Keeper Of The Tribunal. A Dedication Of This Offering Will Also Grant Favor To The Sender Of This Sacred Note.

This Particular Currency Comes With A Ritual, When Performed Accelerates The Attributes Of Ausaru While Reciting Into The Flame. Requires An Offering As Well.

Instructions Are Included With The Purchase Of This Note.


Mae Nang Kwak of The Buddha Tara Pantheon Is A Powerful Wealth Goddess That Influences and Inspires Opulent Aspirations Happiness and Fortune.

Removes Delusional Idealism and Negative Thoughts By Transmutation Of The Aforementioned into High Idealism of Realistic Goals and Milestones of Achievement That Manifest As Wish Fulfillment .

Burn This Note Daily To Permanently Remove Blockages and Obstruction in The Emotional Field That Will Allow Tidal Waves of Gratitude To Beseech You.



Guards The Resting Places of The Dearly Departed and Distributes Necessary Hika To The Deceased.

Encouraging Them To Traverse The Underworld and Go Before The Tribunal of The Neteru.
Where iN The Celestial Courts They Are Appropriately Assessed and Giving Favor, Pardon, and Currency For Detracting Hell God's That Obstruct Progression From States of Purgatory.

Burning This Note At Gravesites and During Memorials, Funerals, and At The Altar or Shrine of The Practioner Grant's Accelerated Waves of Opulent Alignments iN The RÉality Generated By Said Being.

This is enduced by the Word of Power (Hika) of The Deitress "Nee Tee Ka".

Pronounce Her Name While Staring into the flame for petitions of prosperity.

Burn 3x's a day for optimum effect.
No more than 9 notes are necessary per day.

Lord Ganesha Is Worshipped At The Beginning Of Any New Venture or Journey To Seek His Blessings For Success And The Removal Of Obstacles. His Teachings Emphasize Patience, Mindfulness, and The Importance Of Overcoming Challenges With Grace.

Lord Ganesha, also known as Ganapati or Vinayaka, is one of the most revered deities in Hinduism. He is widely worshipped as the remover of obstacles, the patron of arts and sciences, and the god of intellect and wisdom.

The Dearly Departed Will Receive The Current Of Lord Ganesh's Power & Attributes When Offering This Financially Stimulated Instrument. The Residuals From The Endowed Hika Will Reverberate Into The Vein's & Capalaries Of The Sender Of This TEK Note.

Khentimentu, (also known as) Khenti-Amentiu, Was An Ancient Egiptian Deity Whose Name Means “Foremost of the Westerners” or “Chief of the Westerners,” Referring To The dead. This Deity Was Associated With the Necropolis at Abydos and Was Depicted As a Jackal-Headed Figure, Guarding the City of The Dead.

Khentimentu Rules The Detiny Of The Dead Which Is A Description Of Mortals From The Aspect Of The Spiritual Universe. Khentimentu Will Assist Us And Properly Prepare Us For Accessing The Doorway Of The Fourth Dimension Which Is Misinterpreted As Death.

Burn These Notes For Needed Assistance Of Those That Have Transitioned That May Not Know That They Have Crossed Over And May Not Be Aware That The Act Of Dying Has Beseeched Them. Also The Account Of One's Offerings Will Tally Up Assistance For One's Own Journey Into The Afterlife.

Official Note Of NunpTah RÉ -TEK.
Qurshaniyya Means: The Dedication and Devotion To Reverence For Our Ancestors.

This Note Ensures Reaching The Ancestors Is Priority #1.
Anubu Dispatcher of Souls That Transition The Life Of The Living.
Grants Serenity and Understanding of The Experience of Removing Death From The Psychic Center of The Mind.

Helping The Ancestor Come To Clarity and Solutions To Heavy Weighed Thought, Desire, and Issues of The Heart That Weigh Heavy On The Mind & The Scales Of Truth and Justice.

Giving The Receivers Of This Offering Truth and Justice For Liberation of Any Transgressions of Rendering Magnitude.
Covering The Debts Left To Predecessors Of The Dearly Departed.
This Note Will Bring Bridges To Open Roads. Removing Resistance and Obstruction Placing Fulfillment and Pleasure of An Accomplished Nature.

On The Other Side Of The Celestial Courts Of Ausaru Father of Anubu Awaits The Windfall of Offerings Bestowed From This Note.

Designed To Liberate The Ancestors From Forms of Hell, Purgatory and Cyclic Loops of The Material Realm.
It Reverbs Through The Bloodline and Links Where Needed Most.
Comes With a set of (40) 76 Trillion Dollar Notes. This Notes Energy Echoes Throughout The Ancestral Network of Our Community.

2 Notes Are Required
For Optimum Effect

Santa Muerte, also known as La Santísima Muerte or Most Holy Death, is a revered figure in Mexican spirituality and culture. Despite her skeletal appearance, she is not viewed with fear but with respect and reverence.
Santa Muerte is often invoked for protection against harm and for healing in times of physical and emotional distress.
Many followers believe she can offer spiritual protection and guidance in their lives
She is seen as a comforting figure who provides solace to those who are suffering or facing difficult times3. Her presence is believed to bring peace and balance, helping devotees navigate challenging situations with resilience. Santa Muerte is considered the guardian of the underworld, with the ability to guide souls to the afterlife. This aspect of her is particularly significant for those who seek a deeper understanding of life and death.

Burn This Note To Petition As An Offering To Santa Muerte For Assistance With The Progenitors Of The Ventricle Bloodlines Of Your Family. While Burning Look Into The Flame And Speak Your Request To Santa Muerte.

Celestial Accountant Of The Cosmos.
Grand Father Jade Emperor Lords Over All Transactions Performed iN The Earth RÉalm and Spirit RÉalm also.
Optimus Prime In His Rankings
Amongst All Gods Venerated By The
Immortal and Divine His Announcement of Presence Exhibits Prosperity Throughout The Mental Abode. Emitting Green Opulence With Geometric Precision.That Whirlpools Through The Mind Center of All Consciousness Of Planet Earth.
Matriculating Through Metals and Minerals The Jade Emperor's Energetic Signature Solidifies Into Jade.

Jade A Stone Associated With Prosperity and Health and Vibrates Through The Heart Plexus.
Which Serves
As The Axis of The Chakra Field In The Body. The Heart Is The Seat Of The Mind.The Mind Projects The Body into Atomic Light. Giving You Physical Body To Experience Prosperity. The Four Elements Are Available iN Abundance and Prosperity Emits It's Green Resonance Through The Four Elements Also iNto Everything That Precedes From These Primary Necessities.

Jade Emperor Is Benevolent and Patient God He Has A 3 million incarnation marked iN the Earth Akashic. Giving Him Full Autonomy of All Probabilities Probable. Eternally Available In Every Dimension. This Note Carries The Necessary Energy To Remedy Poverty Demons That Parasitically Feed On The Mind and Hearts Of Human Earthling and or Former Human Earthling Alike.

To Connect To The Jade Emperor's Energetic Coordinates Directly. He Requires Fresh Rice and A Large Bottle of Top Shelf Wine.
Also Steak and Gold Jewelry
Seek A Statue or Photo of Grand Father Jade Emperor and Place On The Top Shelf of The Altar To Venerate.

Burn this note in the AM.
Watch the Note until It completely burns out. No more than 5 notes is necessary for optimum effects.



Embellish Divine Clarity From The Buddha Field Of The 5th Dimension.

Carrying The Divine Blessings Of The Yellow Tara Goddess.
Accompanied By Gayatri and The Divine Light Of Creation

This Note Radiates With A Pure Divine Light Illuminating To The Darkest Corners Of The Wastelands of The First Dimension.

This Note Will Eradicate Thoughts of
Poverty, Lack, and Worthlessness From The Four Ventricles Of The Progenitors Lineage.

The Clearing Exhibited iN This Wealth Gun. Leaves Enough Room For One To Blossom To Full Potential: Opportunities, Financially, Mentally and Spiritually.

The Window Of Opportunities Of Advancement Will Be Quite Obvious and Apparent. When It Is So, Move With Certainty To Benefit From The Full Effect of It's Power.




Embellish Divine Clarity From The Buddha Field Of The 5th Dimension.

Carrying The Divine Blessings Of The Yellow Tara Goddess.
Accompanied By Gayatri and The Divine Light Of Creation

This Note Radiates With A Pure Divine Light Illuminating To The Darkest Corners Of The Wastelands of The First Dimension.

This Note Will Eradicate Thoughts of
Poverty, Lack, and Worthlessness From The Four Ventricles Of The Progenitors Lineage.

The Clearing Exhibited iN This Wealth Gun. Leaves Enough Room For One To Blossom To Full Potential: Opportunities, Financially, Mentally and Spiritually.

The Window Of Opportunities Of Advancement Will Be Quite Obvious and Apparent. When It Is So, Move With Certainty To Benefit From The Full Effect of It's Power.



 Sekhmet Is The Patron Protector Of The 1089 TEK Community and The AAA Academy. She Loans Her Powerful Hika and Huhi To The Current Surging Through Each Note Provided And All The Devices As Well. She Is The Daughter Of The Majestic Amun Ré and Wife To pTah. Burning This Note Unveils The Hidden Gifts And Powers One Posseses In The Earth Realm & The Spirit Realm Of Earth Also. Distribution Of The Abundant Frequency Of The Sun Emits To & Through One's Altar. It Clears The Debts Encured During The Dearly Departeds Life Time.


Sekhmet Is The Patron Protector Of The 1089 TEK Community and The AAA Academy. She Loans Her Powerful Hika and Huhi To The Current Surging Through Each Note Provided And All The Devices As Well. She Is The Daughter Of The Majestic Amun Ré and Wife To pTah. Burning This Note Unveils The Hidden Gifts And Powers One Posseses In The Earth Realm & The Spirit Realm Of Earth Also. Distribution Of The Abundant Frequency Of The Sun Emits To & Through One's Altar. It Clears The Debts Encured During The Dearly Departeds Life Time.

The Jade Emperor, Also known as Yu Huang or Yu Di, Is A Significant Figure In Chinese Mythology and Traditional Chinese Spiritual Hierarchy.

There Are Many Stories In Chinese Mythology Involving The Jade Emperor. He Is Said To Have Been A Mortal Man Prior To Becoming A God. In Some Versions of His Origin Story, The Jade Emperor Came Into Existence When The Universe Was Created By Pangu.

The Jade Emperor Is Married To The Celestial Queen Mother, Xiwangmu. They Are Said To Have Had Many Children Together, and Three Of Their Daughters Hold Important Places in Chinese Mythology.

Even today, the Jade Emperor plays a significant role in Chinese life, especially around Chinese New Year. During the New Year, the Jade Emperor is said to judge the character of each individual over the past year and punish or reward them accordingly




The Jade Emperor, Also known as Yu Huang or Yu Di, Is A Significant Figure In Chinese Mythology and Traditional Chinese Spiritual Hierarchy.

There Are Many Stories In Chinese Mythology Involving The Jade Emperor. He Is Said To Have Been A Mortal Man Prior To Becoming A God. In Some Versions of His Origin Story, The Jade Emperor Came Into Existence When The Universe Was Created By Pangu.

The Jade Emperor Is Married To The Celestial Queen Mother, Xiwangmu. They Are Said To Have Had Many Children Together, and Three Of Their Daughters Hold Important Places in Chinese Mythology.

Even today, the Jade Emperor plays a significant role in Chinese life, especially around Chinese New Year. During the New Year, the Jade Emperor is said to judge the character of each individual over the past year and punish or reward them accordingly

Goddess of Wealth: Sri Maha Lakshmi Is Revered As The Goddess of All Forms of Wealth, Known as Ashta Ishwarya. She Is The Embodiment of Love and Beauty. Devotees Worship Sri Maha Lakshmi To Secure Wealth As Well As To Preserve It. She Is Greatly Revered in Jainism and Is Also Worshipped In The Home Every Friday and On Regular Festival Days Throughout The Year.
Symbol of Purity and Spiritual Awakening: Just As The Lotus Blossoms In Muddy Waters Yet Remains Untainted, Lakshmi Represents The Ability To Rise Above Challenges and Remain Untouched by The Impurities of The World. The Lotus Flower Is Also Seen As A Symbol Of Spiritual Purity and Enlightenment in Hinduism.




Goddess of Wealth: Sri Maha Lakshmi Is Revered As The Goddess of All Forms of Wealth, Known as Ashta Ishwarya. She Is The Embodiment of Love and Beauty. Devotees Worship Sri Maha Lakshmi To Secure Wealth As Well As To Preserve It. She Is Greatly Revered in Jainism and Is Also Worshipped In The Home Every Friday and On Regular Festival Days Throughout The Year.
Symbol of Purity and Spiritual Awakening: Just As The Lotus Blossoms In Muddy Waters Yet Remains Untainted, Lakshmi Represents The Ability To Rise Above Challenges and Remain Untouched by The Impurities of The World. The Lotus Flower Is Also Seen As A Symbol Of Spiritual Purity and Enlightenment in Hinduism.



This Funerary Note Will Clear All Financial Debts iN The Human Afterlife For Past Progenitors.

Quicken and Exhaust The Time Suspended iN Any Form Of Purgatory.

Offers Financial Assistance and Opportunities That Were Once Previously Block.

Disintegrates Poverty Demons Replaces Any Feeling or Thought of Lack With Abundance. Drawing Fortune and Favor Where It Will Be Most Effective.

Depending On The Karmic Debt Ensued Over Lifetimes. A Sequence of Miracles Will Begin To Matriculate Through The Living. Symmetrically Aligning The Thoughts Words and Actions Through The Matrix of The Branches of The Family Tree To Antiquity. The Activity Of This Note Collapse The Time Barrier and Opens Doorways To Parallel Realities So Variants Will Also Benefit From The Power Endowed In This Note.

Gives All Who Receive It's Power A Head Start Or Allows Them To Be Ahead Of The Curve If and When They Should Reach The Halls of Amenti To Cycle Back To The Earth Realm.







This Funerary Note Will Clear All Financial Debts iN The Human Afterlife For Past Progenitors.

Quicken and Exhaust The Time Suspended iN Any Form Of Purgatory.

Offers Financial Assistance and Opportunities That Were Once Previously Block.

Disintegrates Poverty Demons Replaces Any Feeling or Thought of Lack With Abundance. Drawing Fortune and Favor Where It Will Be Most Effective.

Depending On The Karmic Debt Ensued Over Lifetimes. A Sequence of Miracles Will Begin To Matriculate Through The Living. Symmetrically Aligning The Thoughts Words and Actions Through The Matrix of The Branches of The Family Tree To Antiquity. The Activity Of This Note Collapse The Time Barrier and Opens Doorways To Parallel Realities So Variants Will Also Benefit From The Power Endowed In This Note.

Gives All Who Receive It's Power A Head Start Or Allows Them To Be Ahead Of The Curve If and When They Should Reach The Halls of Amenti To Cycle Back To The Earth Realm.




The Robust Emittance of The Nonillion Neteru Note Echoes Into The Fringes Of Oblivion.
Carrying The Hika of USIR/ AUSARU and The Arch AngEL GabriEL .

Alleviated Traumas and Cycles of Poverty Throughout The Four Ventricles Lines of The Lineage To The Progeny Providing The Offering.

Bringing Peace, Security, and Clarity To The Ancestors iN Purgatory Or Unsuitable Dimensions of The Human Afterlife. Potential To Expunge Karmic Debt and Hell God's Holding The Ancestors At Ransom.

Connecting and Reuniting Disenfranchised Family Members . Hidden and Dormant Gifts and Talents That Maybe Dormant Are Réanimated or Activated When Burned With Consistency.

Copious Waves of Miracles, Wealth and Lucky Opportunities Sequence in and out of Variable Forms of Reality. Setting The Stage For Unlocking The Doors and Gates With The Key of Life.
Which In Turn Will Set The Stage For The Heart To Be Light As A Feather. Placing One At The Door of Eternity.




The Robust Emittance of The Nonillion Neteru Note Echoes Into The Fringes Of Oblivion.
Carrying The Hika of USIR/ AUSARU and The Arch AngEL GabriEL .

Alleviated Traumas and Cycles of Poverty Throughout The Four Ventricles Lines of The Lineage To The Progeny Providing The Offering.

Bringing Peace, Security, and Clarity To The Ancestors iN Purgatory Or Unsuitable Dimensions of The Human Afterlife. Potential To Expunge Karmic Debt and Hell God's Holding The Ancestors At Ransom.

Connecting and Reuniting Disenfranchised Family Members . Hidden and Dormant Gifts and Talents That Maybe Dormant Are Réanimated or Activated When Burned With Consistency.

Copious Waves of Miracles, Wealth and Lucky Opportunities Sequence in and out of Variable Forms of Reality. Setting The Stage For Unlocking The Doors and Gates With The Key of Life.
Which In Turn Will Set The Stage For The Heart To Be Light As A Feather. Placing One At The Door of Eternity.



Mansa Musa

Mansa Musa’s wealth primarily came from the Mali Empire’s control and taxation of the gold and salt trade.
His wealth was so immense that his lavish spending during his pilgrimage to Mecca in 1324 significantly affected the value of gold in regions he passed through, including Cairo.

Mansa Musa, also known as Musa I of Mali, was the ninth Mansa (emperor) of the Mali Empire, reigning from around 1312 to 1337. He is often regarded as one of the richest individuals in history due to the vast wealth of the Mali Empire, which was rich in gold and other resources.

Burn This Golden Gun On 11:11 To Access The Wavelength Of Opulence Or While Listening To Wealth Mantras, Or Affirmations. Designed To Benefit Creative Entrepreneur's and Merchants Alike. Your Ancestral Lines Will Benefit And Incalculable Amount Of Debt Relief And Be Forged Into The Black From The Inexhaustible Flow Of The Googleplexian.