24 Billion Dollar Katha Note. Wealth Gun



Embellish Divine Clarity From The Buddha Field Of The 5th Dimension.

Carrying The Divine Blessings Of The Yellow Tara Goddess.
Accompanied By Gayatri and The Divine Light Of Creation

This Note Radiates With A Pure Divine Light Illuminating To The Darkest Corners Of The Wastelands of The First Dimension.

This Note Will Eradicate Thoughts of
Poverty, Lack, and Worthlessness From The Four Ventricles Of The Progenitors Lineage.

The Clearing Exhibited iN This Wealth Gun. Leaves Enough Room For One To Blossom To Full Potential: Opportunities, Financially, Mentally and Spiritually.

The Window Of Opportunities Of Advancement Will Be Quite Obvious and Apparent. When It Is So, Move With Certainty To Benefit From The Full Effect of It's Power.