About ..

These Triad Of Black/Dark Matter Stones Are In Alignment With The Triad of Egiptian Deity (NUN - PTAH- RE[ray}) and Each Lends It's Energy In Various Ways To Every Stone. We Place These Three Stones In Everything We Build and Along With Black Sand & Atomized Metal Particles and Variant Crystals That Symmetrically Align The Ions In The Environment and In The Individual Alike Bringing Harmony and Synchronicity Into The Perception and Perspective Range of Cognition. With The Huhi Principles of Sia and The Magic Powers of HEKAU and Or Hika Projected Sequence of Power and Words of Power Are Encapsulated Into The Devices As Well. Accelerating The Healing, Properties and Task Of The Crystals, The Orgone Technology and The Divine Utterances Also. This 3x3 Trifecta of Magnetic Integration Develops A Sentient Consciousness. One Opened To The Program Of It's Owner and Also Exhibits The Ability To Evolve. The Apperceptive Capabilities Of NunpTah RE - TEK Are Not Scientifically Backed However The Testimonies Of Those That Have Purchased Our Items Will Beg To Differ. As Their Reviews , Testimonies, and Expansion of Awareness Is Beyond Confirming and Assuring.


If You Struggle With Sleep Deprivation, PTSD, Insomnia, and Or Anxiety Disorder. We Can Help You. Do You Seek To Retain Dreams, And Or Seek To Dream or Astral Travel or Acquire Optimum Restoration? Our Pendants and Medallions Can Certainly Facilitate The Disorders You Have Acquired. Auric Restoration, Microwave Damage Accumulated From Toxic Cell phone Activity Will Be Nullified and Eradicated. This Is Also True Of The Chemtrails That Are Sprayed In Your Local Sky, and Atmosphere. The Greatest Effects Are Seen With The Large Pyramids As They Cover Up To 16 Miles In Every Directions. The Smaller Ones Covered A Smaller Radius Yet Are Highly Effective As Well.

Please Peruse Our Products and Accept What You Are Drawn To. Feel The Orgone Energy, The Primordial Energy and Accelerated Protection Provided By NunpTah RE - TEK iN This gREat Day iN Time Called : NunpTah RE.