Zodiac TEK
The Zodiac TEK Comes With The Birth Stones of Each Sign. There Are Various Arrays of Crystal and Stone Combinations. Comes With A Leather Adjustable Strap.
Copper Chains Are Additional 20.00
You Are More Than Welcome To Request Builds At No Additional Cost Also. (If there is a specific crystal for your birth sign or month) Give 3-9 business days to complete the request.
Comes with Shungite, Black Tourmaline, Black Obsidian, Black Sand,and Fine Sands of Metals (Copper, Steele, Aluminum and Iron).
Rare Earth Magnet Neodymium Coated For Premium Performance.
One Crystal Is Added and Sometimes More. It's Healing Properties and Effect Exhibit A Sentient Consciousness When and While Communicating and Connecting With It's Owner.
Programmed To Nullify, Ground, and or Eradicate Various Radiations. From Elfwaves,EMF Waves and Lithium Radiation and Microwave Radiation Alike. It Is Also Programmed To Accept Your Programming As Well.