Grand Father Jade Emperor.10Billion Dollar Currency Accelerator:30 Notes (per pack)


Celestial Accountant Of The Cosmos.
Grand Father Jade Emperor Lords Over All Transactions Performed iN The Earth RÉalm and Spirit RÉalm also.
Optimus Prime In His Rankings
Amongst All Gods Venerated By The
Immortal and Divine His Announcement of Presence Exhibits Prosperity Throughout The Mental Abode. Emitting Green Opulence With Geometric Precision.That Whirlpools Through The Mind Center of All Consciousness Of Planet Earth.
Matriculating Through Metals and Minerals The Jade Emperor's Energetic Signature Solidifies Into Jade.

Jade A Stone Associated With Prosperity and Health and Vibrates Through The Heart Plexus.
Which Serves
As The Axis of The Chakra Field In The Body. The Heart Is The Seat Of The Mind.The Mind Projects The Body into Atomic Light. Giving You Physical Body To Experience Prosperity. The Four Elements Are Available iN Abundance and Prosperity Emits It's Green Resonance Through The Four Elements Also iNto Everything That Precedes From These Primary Necessities.

Jade Emperor Is Benevolent and Patient God He Has A 3 million incarnation marked iN the Earth Akashic. Giving Him Full Autonomy of All Probabilities Probable. Eternally Available In Every Dimension. This Note Carries The Necessary Energy To Remedy Poverty Demons That Parasitically Feed On The Mind and Hearts Of Human Earthling and or Former Human Earthling Alike.

To Connect To The Jade Emperor's Energetic Coordinates Directly. He Requires Fresh Rice and A Large Bottle of Top Shelf Wine.
Also Steak and Gold Jewelry
Seek A Statue or Photo of Grand Father Jade Emperor and Place On The Top Shelf of The Altar To Venerate.

Burn this note in the AM.
Watch the Note until It completely burns out. No more than 5 notes is necessary for optimum effects.