1089 degree Manual


The 1089 Degree Manual.

A Prerequisite To The Doctrine Of RéKnowology.

Unlock the secrets of ancestral wisdom with "The PaRuwty Paradigm Guidebook." This comprehensive manual walks you through the 9 Gates of RéKnowology, offering a step-by-step approach to accessing your inner divinity and breaking free from societal norms.


This Manual Gives A Great Synopsis Of What Is Covered In The 1089 TEK Vision Community. Based On The 1089 TV Platform and Q and A With Dr. Ré.

This Manual Also Outline The 9 Gates of RéKnowology That Open Up The 1089 Degree Awareness Of The Students That Belong To The AAA Academy. A Must Have If You Are New To Our Online Community. Or To Get A Concept Of The Subjectivity Discussed and Diseminated This Is Is A Great Start.   

                                                               Dr. Ré 

Nunp Tah Re TEK 1 Pdf
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